man out of joint
by Sharon Pollock

Published by Playwrights Canada Press Toronto ON

"Sharon Pollock: Collected Works Volume 3"
PDF Manuscript copy available on request

 Number of Acts: 2
 Length: 110 mins
 Total actors required: 12
 Men: 9
 Women: 3

Robert Hay in the 2007 production of Man Out of Joint.

Robert Hay in the 2007 production of Man Out of Joint.

 Guy Gianelli has built a career defending the constitutional rights of often unpopular and infamous clients, but when he finds himself in solitary confinement in a military detention centre, he is forced to retrace his path to his newfound surroundings.
 As he scours his fragmented memories, he discovers his journey began five years earlier with a favour for his friend and law partner Erin O’Casey. Guy stepped in to handle an open and shut case involving credit card fraud and extradition, but everything was not as it seemed - or was it exactly as it seemed? Joel’s client, Ed Leland, a petty American criminal insists he is an undercover courier for American Intelligence and his desperate attempts to warn of the 9/11 attacks have gone unheeded.  Guy is haunted by Canada’s WWII internment of his Italian father and grandfather 60 years earlier, alienated from his wife Suzanne, whom he holds responsible for the death of their young son, and increasingly obsessed with the legality ofan Afghan-Canadian boy soldier, Omar Khadr’s incarceration in Gitmo. His investigation and identification with the plight of those he represents, propels into a world where “then” and “now” and “here” and “there” co-exist and Guy is moved to take action - or has he already?